dewatering systems

Dewatering involves controlling ground water levels. By using pumps this locallised water level can be reduced in the excavation. In order for construction to proceed, dewatering has to be done by laying pumps at various junctions and calculating the rate of flow of water. Design of a dewatering system requires the determination of the number, size, spacing, and penetration of wells or well points and the rate at which water must be removed from the pervious strata to achieve the required groundwater lowering or pressure relief.

Speight Drilling have a range of world class portable dewatering pump systems that provide fast, effective results. We can set up complex systems for large scale development, provide systems hire and specialist advice throughout New Zealand.


large scale dewatering

We specialise in large scale dewatering projects for hotel developments and other associated infrastructure. The images below show a dewatering set-up we designed for a large scale development in Wanaka. We can provide you with the right expertise and tools to lower water tables quickly so important foundation construction can continue. Our variety of large and small multi pumps are of the highest quality & technology. We operate both diesel powered and electric powered de-watering pumps. Once set up they continuously work until the desired result is achieved.



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